Today, I have a video for you.  We talked about how many can feel stuck and and even frozen about where to begin with feeling better, if not good.  In a list of a few simple things to do, like walking, and not just at the beach, but anywhere you feel safe doing so, the following video is about how to kickstart or reset yourself to a balance. Get happy! There is a science to everything, and even I have surrendered to this fact that has taken me years to accept and practice.   Our total physical and emotional well being can be bettered through the days, and we can get to this more deeply, later.

You might say, “Yes, it’s easy if you have the means for all of this and you don’t live in the city like I do,” but if you truly want to go for that reset button, it can be done from anywhere.  In fact, we begin with the nature of ourselves, linked to nature itself.  And as for celebrations, a glass of sparkling water with cucumber or berries to toast with is simple.  It is the spirit that is fulfilled in mindful ways that count.

Watch the video, and you’ll realize most of the good things in life are free.  Reset yourselves with a simple heart, back to basics for a spirit feeling renewed.  A little bit each day, and you will find that it works.  How?  You will find YOU and you will know the why and how. Breaking down the perception of ourselves begins with realizing our truest nature. We need to relearn who we are–far from the old thoughts and self talk we lose ourselves to. Just start.

Wishing you the most wonderful days ahead of you.  With much love and happiness –may it all be yours as it was always meant to be.  And don’t mind the Cheshire cat.  Even he or she has his/her story.  But no matter where you are in your life, gratefulness as a virtue should start with the fact that you are breathing.  LIFE is in you!

“Ruach Elohim” is a Hebrew name for God who is in the breath of life.  You are of value.
BREATHE and LIVE beautifully.
