Style is like cooking.  You must first know what it is you’re dishing out.  All pun intended, is it a game hen, or a taco you’re presenting?  I can’t help but laugh.  Oh my!  What I’m trying to say is you won’t be adding certain ingredients on a game hen as you would a taco.  So in dressing up, you can’t go fiesta on people when you know you’re a classic hen.  Petite, delicate, elegant, putting her game on.  Yes, pun intended.  Jeez!

In order to create a balance of good taste, one must carefully choose their dressing, their spices or seasoning as in accessories that garnish before heading out for those Michelin stars! It’s all the same analogy. Analyze that!
Who are you?  The good taste that is seen in you becomes delectable to someone’s palate.  The onlooker can’t help but feel a balance in how you present yourself, when you know who you are.

Have you ever known a person who just dons on labelled clothes but still looks like a mess?  It’s no different from an old duck trying to pass as a spring chicken.  It bothers you in an almost assaulting way.  You don’t quite know what to say, and you’re trying to be polite while you maintain your composure, quietly asking yourself, “why?”

If you can’t cook, you can’t cook.  If you don’t know how it should taste, you can’t bring it to the table.  Good taste and style simply cannot be bought.  But it can be helped!  First thing one must do is figure out their real comfort zone.

I feel my best when I go for comfortable elegance.  As much as there is “couture” out there, I can’t stand stiff clothing or too much fabric.  The look may be great for a Gone With The Wind scene with a big billowy skirt and a corset top plus a feathery hat.  But it will look cumbersome and pretentious unless you’re going to a garden party back in time of Louisiana days or Marie Antoinette’s.  Besides, no one has time to walk with such a load, managing to be authentic.  Unless the part or role you’re playing gives you the right of passage in that get up, one can look ridiculous.  Unless you’re Princess Diana marrying her prince at St. Paul’s Cathedral, those dresses should not be worn to dinner.  So having said that, choosing what you wear very much depends on the occasion.

I know of someone who looks fabulous in casuals, gamine and sporty in her style who desperately tries to look elegant.  What people want from anyone is the truth.  We innately feel the truth.  Authenticity breeds a confidence that is so sexy, even in casuals.  It drives through like a perfectly hammered nail.  And that’s why one says, “He or she nailed it!”

People will also know if you’re emulating someone. They’ll know in their gut if you’re desperately trying to look like Sharon Stone or Kim Kardashian, because number one, all through number ten, you’re not Sharon Stone or Kim Kardashian. End of conversation on what it takes to make someone see you at your best. Your best is not someone else’s.

Be yourself.  It’s more impressive because you’re an original.  And no one will ever be like you.  Ever!