Sharing, caring, giving. I envision Christmas as a family event that brings us closer to one another. Because for me, charity always starts at home. It’s a time for friends and parties with acquaintances alike, but the heart of a home has its core in the immediate members of a family, being together, working together at loving, strengthening ties, boosting longevity, sanctifying the most valuable relationships we have, so that we may be kept healthy to extend it to others beyond our homes. This is how I see Christmas. It’s spirit is in the knowledge and understanding of love.

I have three sons who have their significant others. So technically, it’s like having three daughters too, where one is an actual daughter-in-law, who married my oldest son, five years ago. How lucky for me that they all decided to help with my food preparations on Christmas eve! And honestly, the thought was so heart warming that it took its effect on me, immediately. I was already feeling elated after the first glass of wine, by which we cheered! Merry Christmas eve!

 It was a huge job for one! It has always been. But even if I had all the extra help, like I used to when they were still living under the same roof with me, it would not have been the same without the bonding and the closeness that was born of the efforts from the girls. That in itself, for me, made for a truly memorable Christmas.

The music played all night as we stirred and busily cooked and then we all climbed into our own beds by 2:00 a.m..  I awoke to roast the turkey at 4:30, but only to realize that the new roaster I got by fabulous Oster cooked the twenty five pound turkey in two hours and fifteen minutes! I could have slept more!  I strongly recommend that roaster.  It’s fast, contained and hassle free of the steam that blares through an open oven door, threatening to burn your face when you’re basting every five minutes.  For $20 plus, it was the best buy out of Costco!

Ours was the celebration on Christmas day, with our brunch feast, opening up presents after feeling the kick of Tryptophan.  Did you know that chicken has just as much L-tryptophan?  But it is in the amino acids when combined with a certain amount of carbohydrates that kick in the Serotonin. You know that happy brain chemical reaction?  So don’t skip the stuffing, or you’ll just feel tired and sleepy. 

Relaxed, and happy while in our jammies, robes or sweatshirts–we were on cloud nine after our meal.  We shall remember to eat first before opening our presents.  Not that we have turkey on Christmas morning.  Haha!  I had to cook what I had already bought for Thanksgiving and did not use.  But turkey or no turkey,  Christmas had no hint of the Grinch or Scrooge.  It was abundant, warm and very comfortable.  And I’ll add–beautiful.

By then, we were just allowing the flow of joy to fill our hearts with further.  I cherished the elegantly festive table setting, being that I’m so into the art of it, of which Kelsey helped prepare perfectly.  The mashed potatoes were creamy, garlicky and with the right sized bits of chunk and skin.  Leave that to Allison to know the perfect balance of texture and taste.  The pumpkin pancakes, fluffy with a hint of molasses, patiently timed on each side by Julez. The sweet potatoes, sweet and candied just enough with melted marshmallows I could do in my sleep with each year’s practice.  The stuffing, perfect with dried cherries, golden raisins, fresh diced apples, onions, celery and mushrooms–also done by Julez.  Add chestnuts for next time.  I simply had forgotten we had them. 

And then the turkey– tender like butter, brined for sixteen hours by yours truly, and then finished off to a prepped perfection with fresh grown herbs of sage and thyme in creamy butter dressing for under the turkey skin and the cavity filled with onions, apples, orange slices and with more aromatic herbs– a signature holiday dish, well appointed by Allison. 

If I missed anything, it’s because I was quite overwhelmed.  There were a ton of berries for the pancakes and I was too wiped out with sheer satisfaction.

A book of my recipes will be compiled as per the girls’ request, with a few shared on here…so stay tuned for more.  They are to be our family heirloom recipes. What an honor it is for them to want them.  My boys will be so pleased.  

Here’s sharing the spirit of Christmas as we know it.  There’s more on our little quick video slide below.  I’m not in it, but I’ll show up soon.  It’s all for the children, who are now grown, but will remain in my heart as the loves of my life, forever young in me, no matter what age they may be at.

I hope your Christmas was spent in the truest and warmest spirit of pure love, which to me, in utmost, begins right at home.