in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel

The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach

No man is devoid of pain.  It’s part of being human.  Even the man whose mind can no longer bear judgement has known of it.  But what of men whose pain is so great that it holds them hostage to no more will of theirs? Where do their spirits go, those of whom whose lives were inflicted with offenses so inconceivably senseless?  The silence was deafening as I walked through the path that led to a circular concrete arena of…

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in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
December 27, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel
Miami – At The Versace Mansion
November 21, 2018
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in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Food & Drinks, Lifestyle

Pumpkin Pancakes

These are great to have any time of the year. I created this easy recipe that you can make thicker or thinner by the amount of water added to it. They will appear darker in areas and that’s normal. They can look rustic depending on how you monitor the heat. But I suggest a stove top temperature close to medium heat. Use a non stick flat pan. There will be no need for any oil and a stopwatch will serve…

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in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
December 27, 2018
in Events, Fashion, Style
A Gucci Holiday Treat In New York
November 29, 2018
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle

The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin

Sharing, caring, giving. I envision Christmas as a family event that brings us closer to one another. Because for me, charity always starts at home. It’s a time for friends and parties with acquaintances alike, but the heart of a home has its core in the immediate members of a family, being together, working together at loving, strengthening ties, boosting longevity, sanctifying the most valuable relationships we have, so that we may be kept healthy to extend it to others…

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in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel
The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
February 5, 2019
in Food & Drinks, Lifestyle
Pumpkin Pancakes
December 27, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration

When Someone Hurts

It’s easy to focus only on the other, while we relate to someone hurting or hurting us.  But underlying opportunities are constantly presented by the circumstances we find ourselves in.  When we stop to listen to what we are saying, and observe what we are doing to someone we love or anyone at that, we are truly either fulfilling our needs through them, or are nurturing them in us.  Perhaps if we see each other as mirrors of something familiar,…

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in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel
The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
February 5, 2019
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A New Year Of Consciousness & Compassion
January 5, 2019
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
December 27, 2018
in Restaurants

Getting Intimate With Food – Per Se, NY

Tasting is an intimate gesture.  It’s about as erotic a relationship can begin with.  But with food and nature’s bounty created out of love in all of its art and science, we are nourished by it and sustained.  We sample it in little nibbles, sometimes licking before diving into the experience of getting to know its soul or essence. With it engaging our senses of sight, smell, and sometimes touch, any lack of love and passion in its intention can…

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in Fashion, Style
Style Your Way
December 1, 2018
in Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel
Miami – At The Versace Mansion
November 21, 2018
in Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel
New York City – November 2018
November 21, 2018
in Fashion, Style

Style Your Way

Style is like cooking.  You must first know what it is you’re dishing out.  All pun intended, is it a game hen, or a taco you’re presenting?  I can’t help but laugh.  Oh my!  What I’m trying to say is you won’t be adding certain ingredients on a game hen as you would a taco.  So in dressing up, you can’t go fiesta on people when you know you’re a classic hen.  Petite, delicate, elegant, putting her game on.  Yes,…

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Getting Intimate With Food – Per Se, NY
December 10, 2018
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November 1, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
Get Happy!
October 25, 2018
in Events, Fashion, Style

A Gucci Holiday Treat In New York

I’ve been an advocate, a fan, a buyer of Gucci for many, many years.  But never have I been so touched by a fashion house with gratitude.  Last year, this same time, I received an invitation for a fully paid, first class flight (for two) with accommodations (two rooms) at The Peninsula, New York, for a three days holiday extravaganza.  All courtesy of Gucci!  Who does that? New York city was already lit up with lights and the spirit of…

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in Food & Drinks, Lifestyle
Pumpkin Pancakes
December 27, 2018
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
December 27, 2018
in Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel

Miami – At The Versace Mansion

Versace and the Medusa. They seem to go together with a plan to seduce. The Greek mythological figure’s head is on a banner that hangs at Villa Casuarina, commonly referred to as the Versace Mansion.  Spellbinding and captivating, legend tells us of her power– making you fall in love with her with no turning back.  And that was Gianni Versace’s vision for his fashion line that began in 1978, which he carried through to the design of his own home–now…

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in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel
The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
February 5, 2019
in Restaurants
Getting Intimate With Food – Per Se, NY
December 10, 2018
in Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel
New York City – November 2018
November 21, 2018
in Hotels, Lifestyle, Travel

New York City – November 2018

New York, New York, this month! It had clear skies when I arrived at The Plaza Hotel at six thirty a.m.. I was exhausted as it was only three a.m. for me, Pacific Standard Time. But the staff was ever so accommodating, efficient and kind. The hotel maintained its flair of old world mixed with Beaux Art designs, managing balance and bringing freshness into many of the elements one expects from a luxury hotel.  I myself, don’t mind paying for…

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in Restaurants
Getting Intimate With Food – Per Se, NY
December 10, 2018
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Miami – At The Versace Mansion
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in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
Get Happy!
October 25, 2018