

in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel

The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach

No man is devoid of pain.  It’s part of being human.  Even the man whose mind can no longer bear judgement has known of it.  But what of men whose pain is so great that it holds them hostage to no more will of theirs? Where do their spirits go, those of whom whose lives were inflicted with offenses so inconceivably senseless?  The silence was deafening as I walked through the path that led to a circular concrete arena of…

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The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
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Miami – At The Versace Mansion
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in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle

The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin

Sharing, caring, giving. I envision Christmas as a family event that brings us closer to one another. Because for me, charity always starts at home. It’s a time for friends and parties with acquaintances alike, but the heart of a home has its core in the immediate members of a family, being together, working together at loving, strengthening ties, boosting longevity, sanctifying the most valuable relationships we have, so that we may be kept healthy to extend it to others…

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in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel
The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
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Pumpkin Pancakes
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When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration

When Someone Hurts

It’s easy to focus only on the other, while we relate to someone hurting or hurting us.  But underlying opportunities are constantly presented by the circumstances we find ourselves in.  When we stop to listen to what we are saying, and observe what we are doing to someone we love or anyone at that, we are truly either fulfilling our needs through them, or are nurturing them in us.  Perhaps if we see each other as mirrors of something familiar,…

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The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
February 5, 2019
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A New Year Of Consciousness & Compassion
January 5, 2019
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
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in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel
The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
February 5, 2019
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
December 27, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration

Get Happy!

Today, I have a video for you.  We talked about how many can feel stuck and and even frozen about where to begin with feeling better, if not good.  In a list of a few simple things to do, like walking, and not just at the beach, but anywhere you feel safe doing so, the following video is about how to kickstart or reset yourself to a balance. Get happy! There is a science to everything, and even I have surrendered…

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in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel
The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach
February 5, 2019
in Culture & History, Happiness & Love, Inspiration, Lifestyle
The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin
December 27, 2018
in Happiness & Love, Inspiration
When Someone Hurts
December 13, 2018
in Inspiration, People

Edie In Auschwitz – The Other Alice

It was a long way down the rabbit hole for Alice in Wonderland in her journey through a fantasy world with anthropomorphic characters.  Most of us by now know how that fairy tale goes.  Then there are the true tales of long and painful marches and rides through what feels more like falling into a black hole.  There is no white rabbit with a fob watch, but a terrifying doctor in his white robe whose nickname in German translates as the angel of…

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