
Culture & History

in Culture & History, Inspiration, Travel

The Holocaust Memorial – Miami Beach

No man is devoid of pain.  It’s part of being human.  Even the man whose mind can no longer bear judgement has known of it.  But what of men whose pain is so great that it holds them hostage to no more will of theirs? Where do their spirits go, those of whom whose lives were inflicted with offenses so inconceivably senseless?  The silence was deafening as I walked through the path that led to a circular concrete arena of…

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The Spirit of Christmas, Tryptophan and Serotonin

Sharing, caring, giving. I envision Christmas as a family event that brings us closer to one another. Because for me, charity always starts at home. It’s a time for friends and parties with acquaintances alike, but the heart of a home has its core in the immediate members of a family, being together, working together at loving, strengthening ties, boosting longevity, sanctifying the most valuable relationships we have, so that we may be kept healthy to extend it to others…

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