

in Happiness & Love, Inspiration

Get Happy!

Today, I have a video for you.  We talked about how many can feel stuck and and even frozen about where to begin with feeling better, if not good.  In a list of a few simple things to do, like walking, and not just at the beach, but anywhere you feel safe doing so, the following video is about how to kickstart or reset yourself to a balance. Get happy! There is a science to everything, and even I have surrendered…

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Edie In Auschwitz – The Other Alice

It was a long way down the rabbit hole for Alice in Wonderland in her journey through a fantasy world with anthropomorphic characters.  Most of us by now know how that fairy tale goes.  Then there are the true tales of long and painful marches and rides through what feels more like falling into a black hole.  There is no white rabbit with a fob watch, but a terrifying doctor in his white robe whose nickname in German translates as the angel of…

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